EOS Low Dose X-ray Imaging 

EOS Low Dose X-ray Imaging

Back, neck, shoulder pain, and numbness in hands and feet are common pain problems in the city. Some people may think that these symptoms are mild and will subside after a period of time. When the pain persists for over 72 hours and does not improve, it is a sure sign to seek medical assistance.




  • 輻射量較傳統X光少60-90%
  • Simultaneous frontal, side and full-body views, quick and easy
  • Detects scoliosis, spurs, subluxations and various spinal problems
  • 可同時掃描多個位置,不需重覆拍攝
  • 系統重建骨骼三維影像,幫助更精確地評估情況
  • 站立式X光影像尤其適合用於脊椎、髖及膝關節等部位
  • 有助評估下肢畸形情況
  • Especially suitable for regular tracking of children scoliosis
  • 檢查過程大約1分鐘,報告一般可在24小時後上網查閱

